
I Was Born A Champion I Was Raised A Champion I Will Always Be A Champion

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Gary Williams Personal Philosophy

I Was Born A Champion, I Was Raised A Champion, I Will Always Be A Champion

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I Was Born A Champion

I was born a Champion

I was raised a Champion

I got Champion in my bloodline

I’ve always been a Champion

I will always be a Champion

And when I close my eyes and die I will be a Champion

On my headstone they will write Champion

Every time they mention my name they will say Champion


My legacy is Champion

My obituary will be Champion

Every time they mention my name they will say Champion

Because I am a Champion


Every day that I get up, I say good morning Champion

When I look in the mirror, I see a Champion

When I go to the gym, I work out like a Champion

When I eat, I eat like a Champion

And what I read, makes me an even better Champion

The knowledge I put in my mind, is Champion

Because all day I am a Champion


From Sunrise to Sundown

From the moment I open my eyes, to the moment I close them

I am a Champion


I pray, I think, I speak, I walk like a Champion

No loss no set back no mistake will ever change that

I‘am a conquer born to succeed

Anointed to prosper

Blessed and Unstoppable

And I will arise out of the ashes

Because my God will not fail me

Because I am, Always have been, and always will be a Champion


Greater is he that is in me, than he that is in the world

I can do all things, because with God all things are possible

And I am a Champion, doing the impossible

Failure is not an option

I refuse to concede

Because I am a Champion


When I bleed my blood is Champion

And anything that stands in my way

I will go thought it, over it, or around it

Because I am a Champion


Nothing can stop me, Blessed and Unstoppable

I am the undefeated, Un-Disputed, Never beaten, Champion of the World


The World says I’am a loser

I get up every day and go to war with that statement

They think I’am lazy

I hungrier than ever

Beast mode I’am beating all competition

The devil says I’ve got no money

Money comes to me easily, frequently, abundantly, in Gods perfect way

The World says I’am crazy

The world belongs to the Bold


They remind me of the loses I’ve taken

They say I’ll never recover

I serve the God of restoration

I will make a come back


They say you can’t pay your bills with dreams

Success will come of the assembly line of my mind

They say I only have average talent

Hard work and discipline are the great equaliser

Why don’t you get a 9 to 5 normal job that pays every week

Because I’am the head and not the tail

Above not below

I was strategically designed for greatness


It looks like you God has forgotten you

My god will never leave me nor forsake me

You really believe all that stuff your saying

Destany is obligated by universal law to concede, to the demands of unwavering faith

And I Believe


I’am a Champion

Committed, hungry, dedicated, fearless, bold, never wavering

Full of faith

Anointed, prosperous, strong, gracious, focused, disciplined

Willing to do whatever it takes, to be a Champion


I will arise one day

To make a fool out of all those who doubted me

I will live with no fear

I will boldly attack the things that scare me

They will not stop me on my destiny

No health issues, No job issues, No financial issues, No relationship issues

Nothing will stand in the way of my divine calling

Because I am a Champion


I was born a Champion

Raised a Champion

And I’ve always been a Champion

Will always be a Champion

My legacy is Champion


When it’s all said and done on my headstone

They will write Champion

Billy Alsbrooks #BillyAlsbrooks #Blessedandunstoppable


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